WWE | PRO WRESTLING WWE Fastlane 2016 Predictions and Preview

WWE Fastlane will set the stage for WrestleMania 32 this Sunday. The buffer between the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania presents one of the most predictable main-events in company history, which is generally par for the course at this time of the year.
It’s the same theme every at this time every year for the WWE. The company is entirely too predictable! Rarely is there every a curve ball thrown and even in situations that give fans a shred of doubt about the WrestleMania pattern, the ship rarely steers off course. I wouldn’t expect anything less at Fastlane.
The second annual event is headlined by an intriguing Triple Threat Match on paper that is probably the most predictable headliner the company has had in quite some time. Unfortunately, a weak lineup won’t help matters, giving fans an easy reason to skip a special event if they are so inclined.
Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE world championship
This is definitely one of the most unique matchups the company has put forth on paper in quite some time. It’s unfortunate that the match is coming now as opposed to another time of the year where the result would be less predictable. Otherwise this may have been a match that you could have a lot of fun fantasy booking with three different results.
I almost wonder if the company is blowing their big money rematch between Brock and Reigns here. Sure, there is a high probability that Ambrose will take the fall and we’ll have another match ending with neither guy pinning the other. Yet I tend to lean towards keeping these guys completely apart until the summer at minimum. Regardless, this is what we are getting and it’s time to embrace it.
Ambrose is something of a wild card here. I don’t think anyone expects Ambrose to win the match, or Brock for that matter. The company has spent so much time in recent months building towards a Triple H vs. Roman Reigns Mania match, that expecting us to believe we’ll see anything else is an insult to our intelligence.
The match will probably be a lot of fun and if given ample time, could be a Match of the Year candidate. I think the objective here will be setting up an Ambrose vs. Reigns feud following Mania with a subtle hint of Ambrose turning heel. Somehow or another this finish will contribute to Ambrose turning after WrestleMania, setting up what should be a pretty hot feud this spring.
I also think it’s highly probable that the Wyatt family interfere in the match, setting up Brock vs. Bray for WrestleMania. As different as Brock vs. Bray is, I don’t sense a whole lot of excitement around it. The easy script here is Bray and family costing Brock the match and Brock seeking revenge at Mania. I don’t think there is anything else you can book at this point.
So yes, I do predict that Roman wins the match and heads to WrestleMania. I also don’t think he is pinning Brock, although that could happen with interference from the Wyatt family. Roman pins Ambrose, which gives him a 2-0 advantage over his friend and likely leads to fireworks between the two after the big dance in Dallas.
Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler for the WWE I-C title
I have to think that this is the semi-headliner of Sunday’s show. It’s unfortunate because in the ring this one could be a show-stealer. Yet as a storyline, these guys have been pushed as mid-carders and perception is reality. I see no reason to put the intercontinental title on Owens only to take it off of him a week later. I think these guys have an outstanding match with Owens getting a clean win in the end.
Kalisto vs. Alberto Del Rio for the U.S. title 2 out of 3 Falls
It’s hard to complain about any of the matches these two have had thus far. All have been very good, bordering on excellent. I am not sure what role either guy will be playing at WrestleMania. Logic would dictate that they didn’t bring Alberto back at a big salary to have a minimal role at Mania. I was recently on Between the Ropes and host Brian Fritz suggested Undertaker vs. Del Rio. I like it! Regardless, I think we have a potential show-stealer here with Del Rio regaining the U.S. title in a match that goes all three falls.
Full WWE Fastlane 2016 matches
Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose in a Triple Threat Match, with the winner facing Triple H for the WWE World Title at WrestleMania 32:
Charlotte (c) vs Brie BellaW for the WWE Divas Title
Kevin Owens (c) vs Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Intercontinental Title
Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles
Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch vs Tamina Snuka and Naomi
Kalisto (c) vs Alberto Del Rio in a 2 Out of 3 Falls WWE U.S. Title
Edge and Christian will interview WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day

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